Monday, October 1, 2012

School Project Weekend

This weekend two of the kids needed to work on school project. Due to circumstances (Tina not being home), I was put in charge of helping them get things done. To say the least, it was interesting.

The first one was on Saturday morning. Haydn had numerous choices but chose to do a diorama. He had already picked out a book, The Magic Treehouse #1 where they end up flying on a pterodactyl and Haydn was going to have one hanging in the box but he misplaced the book and went and found #3 which had them seeing a mummy.

We spent the morning putting it together. I glued paper to the inside of the box and I did one of the figures to show him how it could be done because he was really overdoing it and the figures would not have been able to stand up in the box. He painted the figures and I glued the figures together and then glued them in the box and supported the back of the figures with a toothpick. I think it came out fairly well. What do you think?

Sunday became Suzanna's turn because she didn't get to work on it Saturday because she was gone all morning and had a friend over all afternoon. Suzanna had many choice for her book report and she chose to do a "flat" person about the character, Clementine. It took a while but here's what we came up with. What do you think? If it was mine, I might have redone the cardboard but Suzanna was pretty happy about it and as you can tell, perfection is not what we were going for. This morning, before she took "flat" Clementine to school, she put socks and shoes on her.

Overall, it was a fun weekend. I had fun helping my kids with their projects.

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