Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Together Day is a day in honor of sibling rivalry and fighting. We've tried numerous things to get our kids to play nice with one another. They do fairly well at times but there are times when they just can't keep from picking on one another.

Tonight Suzanna and Haydn begged to do something before bedtime and I said that they could do it for five minutes as long as they did it together. From almost minute one they kept arguing and when I told them to stop and just get into their beds they just kept fighting about it and blaming the other.

As I'm talking to them, probably a little too loudly, it occurred to me what I was going to do. I told them that on Saturday, they are going to have to spend the day and they couldn't do anything without the other person. Suzanna started crying because she said that all Haydn will want to do is play video games.

So here's the plan that I came up with and I have told them this. For six hours on Saturday they will have to do everything together. They each will come up with six activities each that last a half hour. They are not allowed to do anything more than an hours worth. I will take the total of 12 activities and divide up their day. If it's reading, they have to be in the same room. Whatever it is, they have to do it together at the same time.

One thing that I have not told them but I will. Each time I have to tell them to get along, it adds 15 minutes to their six hours of togetherness.

It's going to be an interesting day on Saturday.

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