Wednesday, April 25, 2012

God's "interferences"

Deism is the belief that there is a God and that He created everything but He wound it up like a clock and then walked off and has no interaction with His Creation.

Now, I am a theist, one who believes in ONE God and that He is involved with His Creation, but has it ever crossed your mind that God’s not really all that involved in our lives? I know this is not true. I believe the Bible and the Bible bears out the fact that God is very involved in His Creation, especially our redemption.

There is a part of Deism that is correct in that God did set His Creation in motion. The reality is that sometimes things happen that are the natural consequences of things set in motion from the beginning of time.

A problem with Deism is that it does not account for “the curse.” When God created everything, it was created perfect and would have run perfectly if Adam had not sinned.

God’s “interferences” with His Creation that had some of the biggest consequences came in the form of judgment at the Garden of Eden (“the curse”), the Flood (weather), and the Tower of Babel (languages). The biggest “interference” of God came in the form of redemption on the Cross and His resurrection three days later.

Although it is possible and it does happen, such things as: out of control weather, diseases, death, etc., are frequently attributed to God’s “interference” or “judgment” when they’re just the natural consequences of our sin cursed world.

When it comes to our individual lives, sometimes it’s hard to see the difference between the natural consequences of things set in motion and the divine consequences of God “interfering” in His Creation, especially when it involves His children. It’s easy to think that God is not involved when bad things happen or when prayers are not being answered the way you want. We wonder why God does not “interfere” more.

When something bad happens in your life or things didn’t go the way you were hoping, have you wondered what you did wrong? Has the first thought been, “what sin didn’t I confess?” or "what did a do wrong that God is not blessing me?" I have.

This is where Deism plays a part because I think most things happen by natural consequences due to decisions, personalities, and circumstances, and these things are affected by our sinful nature, which in turn can cause bad things to happen to everyone, the Believer and non-Believer.

The biggest question is how much does God “interfere” in our lives. God interferes in our life through salvation, through sanctification, through healing, just to name a few. James 1 talks about trials coming into our lives. These are every day things that come into our life that test our faith. James tells us to ask God for wisdom. In our every day lives on a daily basis, this is God’s “interference” in our life, His Wisdom.

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