Monday, April 16, 2012

In the Beginning (of my life)

I was born in February of 1967. My parents were students at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. My mother was having some health issues and so in the summer of ’67 we moved to Palm Springs, CA where my paternal grandparents lived.

My dad’s parents are an interesting pair because they had gotten married around 16/17 years of age and had my father about a year and a half later. Shortly after that, they divorced. My grandmother and dad moved in with her parents while she went to nursing school. Later, she remarried to a very abusive man but never had any children by him. My dad ran away several times but got away for good when he was about 16. My grand father remarried and had three more children.

My grandparents met each other again, after twenty years apart, at my parents’ wedding. They were both divorcing their current spouses and decided to reunite. They ended up getting married to each other again. They were married for 20+ years before he passed away the day after Christmas in ’95.

So, when me and my parents moved to CA, my paternal grandparents had only been re-married a handful of years. My grandmother was pregnant and had my uncle four days before I turned one year old. My sister was born three months later in May of 1968.

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