Monday, April 16, 2012

My mother's death

It turned out that my mother’s health issues were due to having a brain tumor. At the time, late 60’s, it was inoperable. My sister’s first year of birth say a lot of neglect because my mother could not take care of her properly. I’m told that I was not neglected as much because I was able to get her attention because I was older and could move around the house.

I don’t know what happened that year with regards to my mother’s health or how bad she was but I know my grandmother eventually started taking care of us because my mother could not. So, now my grandmother is taking care of three children, all under the age of two.

Eventually my mother ends up in the hospital and less than two months after my sister turned one, my mother passed away. I am about 28 months old and now I have no mother and we’re living with our paternal grandparents in Palm Springs, CA.

I don’t remember any of these years but my grandmother said that my sister and I went to daycare and would bring home all the germs to her son, our uncle, and he was sick a lot. We stayed with our grandparents until I was about 4 ½ years old, when my dad married the woman I would come to know as “mom.”

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