Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prayers for Aria

In all the years of going to church, I have never seen so much prayer. We've had multiple people over the past two years say, "let me pray for you." All you have to do is mention something and they'll stop and pray right then and there no matter where you're standing. At one time or another we've had someone pray over each one of us individually right in the middle of the foyer and sometimes it's a handful of people who put their hands on us and pray. We've also had the blessing of being a part of praying for others. At first it seems strange because they'll get loud but it's the most amazing thing. I was so used to people tell me "I'll be praying for you" or "I'll remember you in my prayers" or something to that fact.

Today, at two separate times after the morning service I had someone say, "Can we pray over Aria with you?" The first time was just me and Aria with a group and the second time it was with me, Tina, and Aria and about four other people. Two of them were pastors and one pastor anointed Aria with oil, laid hands on her, and we all prayed. What a blessing!!

I know people are praying and we thank you for those prayers. It means a lot. I want to publicly thank everyone who has physically circled us and laid your hands on us and prayed for us as we've gone through this challenging time in our lives. Knowing people are praying and hearing the prayers over our daughter is inspirational. I know God is in the midst of us while praying because that's His promise to us through Scripture. Thank you for making God's presence known to us through your prayers.

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