Saturday, May 5, 2012

Growing Up with Dogs

While growing up, we owned a few dogs. The first two that I remember were beagles. They came from a family friend who was moving and could not take care of them. They were used to hunting and a back yard. 
At our trailer home, we had a 10’ X 4’ fenced yard where we kept them. My job was to take care of them with feeding and watering them. They got very little exercise and become overweight. The dogs used to dig under the fence. More than once we’d hear yelping and go to the backyard to find the male dog gone and the female dog stuck under the fence. Then we’d have to go hunt him down. I’m not sure how long we had them.
My grandparents had an Alaskan Malamute and Australian Shepherd dogs. Occasionally the dogs would have a litter and we got a mixed-breed dog that we named Teddy. He had two different color eyes. He was a beautiful dog and he kept inside. The heat would have been too much for him. When we left, we’d keep him in the small laundry room but he tore through the door a couple times and strewed the trash around the house. 
One time he ate some burnt brownies on the counter and was very sick. Guess who had to clean that up?
After we moved from the trailer, we ended getting another dog just like Teddy, except for the eyes, and his name was Prince. They now had a large yard where they could play.

We never had cats, birds, reptiles or anything, just dogs.

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